Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

As of October 15, the Centers for Medicare & MedicaidServices (CMS) has a new leader. Leslie Norwalk,Esq, former deputy administrator for CMS, has beenappointed acting administrator for the agency. HerbKuhn, who was a possible contender for the post, willserve as deputy administrator.

Former CMS Administrator Mark McClellan, MD, PhD,resigned from the position last month after serving 2½years. His tenure will be remembered by many in theindustry for overseeing the complex implementation ofthe new Medicare prescription drug benefit—a taskthat consumed much of his time with CMS. Dr.McClellan's departure comes in the middle of midtermelection campaigns, during which the handling of thenew Medicare drug benefit has become a major issue.

In addition, his resignation comes during contractnegotiations between Medicare and health insurancecompanies that want to offer the drug benefit nextyear.

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