Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Cardinal Health has endorsed the Coalition forCommunity Pharmacy Action. The advocacy groupis a joint partnership between the NationalCommunity Pharmacists Association (NCPA) andthe National Association of Chain Drug Stores(NACDS).

Many recent government actions seriously jeopardizethe future of pharmacy. Examples includethe implementation of the Medicare Part D prescriptiondrug benefit, proposed cuts in Medicaidreimbursements to pharmacy, and a plan to mandatethat military beneficiaries in the TRICARE programuse mail order for their prescriptions.Cardinal Health's efforts will help the advocacygroup ensure that community pharmacists will bethere to serve their patients.

"Cardinal Health has long been committed tothe success of community pharmacy. We arefocused on joining with NCPA and NACDS to reachout to Capitol Hill and build respect and understandingfor the vital role community pharmacistsplay in the delivery of health care in this country," commented Michael Bender, president/generalmanager of retail/alternate care at the company."It's in everyone's best interest—patients, industry,and the government—to have a thriving communitypharmacy sector."

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