Innovation in Motion Hits the Road

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

BioMérieux's second annual Innovationin Motion bus tour will demonstrate thelatest diagnostic technologies to pharmacists,laboratory professionals, clinicians,and physicians at small to mid-sized hospitalsacross the United States.

The bus is equipped with the bio-Mérieux Integrated Solutions productportfolio, including BacT/ALERT 3D, VITEK2 Compact, and STELLERA, consisting ofboth diagnostic and information technologyequipment. For the 2006 tour, the companyhas added the NucliSens easyMAGand the mini VIDAS. The products incorporatemolecular diagnostics and automatedimmunoassay systems into theIntegrated Solution package. The 8-monthtour will include personal demonstrationson board that will show the rapid results,increased productivity, automated bacterialidentification, extensive clinical intervention,and improved safety that can beachieved by using the company's suite ofdiagnostics equipment.

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