

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Metabolic Syndrome Appearing in Overweight Youths


A study of 8-to 16-year-old youthsshowed that almost half of them(49.5%) exhibited some of the risk factorsassociated with metabolic syndrome.This syndrome refers to a groupof risk factors that increase one's likelihoodof developing heart disease anddiabetes. Risk factors include excessbody weight, high blood pressure, highblood sugar, and high cholesterol levels.Of the 109 youths studied, 10% hadimpaired fasting glucose or glucose intolerance,both of which signal diabetes. Asubset of this study group participated ina "Kids 'N Fitness" program developed bythe Children's Hospital Los Angeles,where they improved their body massindex, blood pressure, lipids, blood sugar,and leptin levels. The 12-week programincluded once-a-week sessions of sportsto promote aerobic activities and educationalsessions for both parents andyouths. Roshanak Monzavi, MD, of theChildren's Hospital suggested that thislifestyle intervention "may improvemetabolic outcomes in as little as 12weeks." The full study results appear inthe June 2006 issue of Pediatrics.

Ms. Farley is a freelance medicalwriter based in Wakefield, RI.

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