

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Wholesaler First to Use CSOS

In agreement with the Drug EnforcementAdministration's (DEA) new ControlledSubstance Ordering System (CSOS),HD Smith recently became the firstnational pharmaceutical wholesaler tosuccessfully process an electronic 222(e222) order for a controlled substanceusing iSoft Corporation's e222 CSOS. Thenew electronic application took effect inMay 2005.

The system replaces the expensivepaper-based procedure by providingsecure electronic transmission of controlledsubstances between manufacturers,distributors, and pharmacies. Toassist this process, iSoft's e222 CSOSsolution generates an electronic versionof the DEA form 222 (e222), supportingdigital signatures and providing a secure,reliable platform for transactions betweenbuyers, suppliers, and the CSOS.

The company also used radio frequencyidentification (RFID) tags when processingthe first electronic CSOS. Thetags act as unique identifiers, or "licenseplates," for each individual package. Theability to track inventory individuallygives utmost control over products in thesupply chain.

"HD Smith's unique combination ofRFID and CSOS technology usage generatesefficiency, control, and accountabilityover controlled substance products," said Dale Smith, president and chiefexecutive officer of the company. "Ourinformation technology team has againraised the bar for industry practices, areflection of HD Smith's leadership intechnology and supply chain integrity."

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