Kids' Waistlines Tell All

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Children with expandingwaistlines are more prone toinsulin resistance, a conditionthat can lead to diabetes. Waistcircumference is considered anelement of metabolic syndrome(a group of heart disease anddiabetes risk factors that alsoincludes excess body weight,hypertension, high cholesterol,and high blood sugar). In arecent study, researchersweighed and measured 84 childrenbetween the ages of 6 and13. In addition, they noted theparticipants' blood pressure andother health measurements.

The results of the studyshowed that the children's waistsizes were directly correlatedwith hypertension, cholesterollevel, blood fats, and the risk ofinsulin resistance. Consideringheight and weight factors, theresearchers determined thatchildren with larger waistlineswere still significantly more predisposedto showing signs ofinsulin resistance, putting themat risk for diabetes.

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