

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Neuropathy Goes Undiagnosed

A study commissioned by theAmerican Diabetes Association(ADA) found that a majority ofpatients with diabetes have neverheard of diabetic neuropathy—nerve damage that causes pain,numbness, or tingling in the feetand hands. The researchers interviewed8119 individuals regardingthe condition, whether they hadany symptoms, and whether theyhad ever been diagnosed. Theresearchers discovered that morethan 7 of 10 patients with diabetesreported that they had experiencedsymptoms of the conditionin the past year.

Yet, 56% of the participantshaving symptoms had neverheard of diabetic neuropathy.The results of the study alsofound that nearly 1 in 7 patientswith symptoms of neuropathy,who had mentioned it to theirphysicians, reported that theirphysicians had not mentioned apotential cause. Furthermore,only 1 in 4 individuals with symptomshad been diagnosed bytheir physician. The ADA estimatesthat 50% of individualswith diabetes will develop neuropathy.

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