GERD Interrupts Z's

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Individuals aged 45 to 64 with gastroesophagealreflux disease (GERD) reporteddisturbed sleep, according to a Sleepin America survey conducted by theNational Sleep Foundation. The poll of2000 individuals found that approximately50% of the respondents reported havingtrouble falling asleep, which affected theirwork productivity and leisure activities.

A separate study of sleep habits on15,314 adults showed that 25% experiencedheartburn that interrupted theirsleep ≥2 times a month. Furthermore, thestudy found that participants who consumedcarbonated soft drinks were 24%more likely to be awakened by heartburn,compared with individuals who did notdrink carbonated beverages. Taking abenzodiazepine sleeping pill also increasedthe incidence of nighttime heartburn.(The results were reported in Chest,May 2005.)

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