

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Guidelines Urge Early and Aggressive Treatment

Experts recommended that physicians check for diabetes even if they thinkpatients may have the condition, and begin a drug regimen to treat it right away,according to new guidelines recently released. Specialists at the American Collegeof Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologistssaid about 90% of all patients diagnosed with diabetes are not controlling it adequatelyto prevent heart disease and other complications. The groups also suggestedthat patients at risk should start getting screened at 30. If poor control ofblood sugar is found, they should begin taking drugs immediately.

For example, the 2 groups said, a measure of glucose control called A1C shouldbe 6.5% or lower. Fasting glucose level should be 110 or lower, and a 2-hour glucosechallenge reading should be 140 or lower. If a physician believes a patientmay have diabetes, the patient should be tested right away, said Jaime Davidson,MD, chairman of the guidelines conference. He noted that a fasting glucose testis not sufficient. The patient needs to have a 2-hour glucose challenge to see howwell the patient controls blood sugar.

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