ACT Test Scores Asthma Control

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

As part of the Know Your Asthma Score & Expect More campaign, theAmerican Lung Association is recommending the new, scored Asthma ControlTest (ACT) for all asthma patients 12 years and older. The test is a 5-question assessment tool, which provides physicians and patients a simpleyet highly predictive tool they can use to help assess asthma control. Thequestions included in the test are based on measures of asthma controlestablished by the National Institutes of Health.

The total ACT score is based on a range of 5 to 25. A score of 19 or lessmay be a sign that asthma symptoms are not under control. If patients score19 or less, they should meet with their physician to discuss their ACT resultsand ensure they are properly controlling airway constriction and inflammation.Experts also recommend that even if patients score >20 they should talk withtheir physician about their results to help improve their asthma.

"People's lives do not need to be so impacted by their asthma—it's importantfor patients to take the ACT and talk to their doctor about the level ofsymptoms they are experiencing,"said Norman H. Edelman, MD, chief medicalofficer for the American Lung Association (ALA).

The ALA and GlaxoSmithKline are working together on the campaign topromote asthma awareness. For a free copy of the ACT test, visit, or call 800-990-4100.

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