

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Asthma Screenings Begin in May

The American College of Allergy, Asthma andImmunology (ACAAI) plans to help adults andchildren find out if asthma may be the cause oftheir chronic coughing, wheezing, and shortnessof breath. Beginning this May, during NationalAsthma and Allergy Awareness Month, the ACAAIwill launch its 7th annual Nationwide AsthmaScreening Program. The Asthma and AllergyFoundation of America (AAFA) will work with theACAAI and local allergists to conduct free screeningsat >350 locations across the United States.

Allergists, who are asthma specialists, will hostthe free screenings at shopping malls, health fairs,and civic centers. New for 2005 is a special focuson workplace screenings that will enable employersto provide free asthma screening for theiremployees. Part of the screening process includesa 20-question Life Quality Test for adults experiencingbreathing problems. Participants under theage of 15 will take the Kids'Asthma Check thatallows children to answer questions alone aboutany breathing problems. Parents with children upto age 8 can complete a different version of thetest on their behalf.

The participants will also take a lung functiontest and meet with a physician to find out if a morethorough examination and diagnosis are needed.Individuals who already know they have asthmacan speak with a specialist about their conditionsand options for keeping symptoms under control.For more information, visit the ACAAI Web site, or call the AAFA at 800-7-ASTHMA(800-727-8462).

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