

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Campaign Targets Seniors

The National Community PharmacistsAssociation (NCPA) recentlylaunched a long-term communitycare initiative. The aim of the campaignis to develop a nationwide networkof community pharmacists toprovide the aging population withimproved access to broader pharmacistservices.

The program will target healthyand homebound seniors, as well ascommunity-based seniors in assistedliving facilities, continuing care retirementcenters, and skilled nursing facilities.NCPA's National Institute forPharmacist Care Outcomes will createa comprehensive education programwith both clinical and business components.A unique feature of the programwill be the partnership with theAmerican Society of Consultant Pharmacists(ASCP). That organization willwork with NCPA to develop a programto best meet the special clinical needsof seniors. Furthermore, NCPA willpromote ASCP offerings, such as itsCertified Geriatric Credential, patienteducation resources, and pharmacytools.

Key components of the initiativeinclude:

  • Providing Web-based educationalresources for consumers and caregivers,as well as business tools fornetwork pharmacists
  • Developing drug/disease communityoutreach programs
  • Educating Medicare beneficiariesabout the Medicare Part D drugbenefit as it is implemented in2006

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