

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Milk Protein Benefits Hypertension

A study of 10 individuals with hypertensionfound that a section of a protein derived from milklowers blood pressure. Once the participants tookcasein peptide, called C12, they experienced anaverage drop of 9 points in systolic pressure and6 points in diastolic pressure.

The study involved the participants taking C12either alone or combined with a seaweed extractcalled alginic acid. Research has suggested thatseaweed extract may help the body excrete sodiumin the urine.

During the study, the participants took an inactiveplacebo pill for 5 days and then 1 of 5 treatments:a placebo treatment, or high or low dosesof C12 either alone or combined with alginic acid.In order to try each treatment, all the participantsrepeated this 5 times. The results of the studyshowed that the participants who took the highdose of C12 along with alginic acid had a dramaticdrop in systolic and diastolic pressure,compared with the placebo treatment. (The findingswere reported recently in the AmericanJournal of Hypertension.)

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