Novo Nordisk is sponsoring an educationalprogram to be developed in2005 by the University of PittsburghSchool of Pharmacy. As a world leaderin diabetes care, the company will providean unrestricted educational grantof $500,000 for the pharmacy schoolto underwrite the program.
The educational program, entitled"An Elective Course in ComprehensiveDiabetes Management," will be developedover several months with advicefrom a panel of experts in diabetesmanagement, pharmacy education,and instructional development. Thepanel will set up teams of educators toinstruct the trainers who will teach thecourse. Pharmacy schools also will beinvited to send faculty members to theregional training sessions.
Schools using the program willreceive instructional materials. Theschools will be encouraged to worktogether by sharing teaching techniques,new course materials, andassessment methods. Once the initiativemoves into the implementationphase, the panel will evaluate how thecourse is used by pharmacy schools,get student and instructor courseassessments, and revise the course asnecessary.