

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

RA Pain Remains Despite Treatment

A survey of 500 adults with rheumatoidarthritis (RA) revealed that 70% ofthe patients still experience unbearablepain, stiffness, and fatigue daily. Morethan one third rank their quality of lifeat only 5 out of 10 at best.

The survey, a collaboration betweenthe Arthritis Foundation and HarrisInteractive Inc, showed that half of therespondents' symptoms were reducedby medication.

Yet, 49% reported that they continueto modify their daily household activitiesbecause of their arthritis. Amongthe survey's other findings were thefollowing:

• More than two thirds of RApatients receiving disease-modifyingantirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) or biologicresponse modifiers (BRMs) stillexperience pain (70% and 71%, respectively),stiffness (69% and 75%), andfatigue (67% and 67%) daily, despitecurrent medication use

• The 3 main concerns amongpatients who have been prescribed currenttreatments for RA (DMARDs,BRMs) are the potential for long-termhealth consequences (42% and 45%),an increased risk of infection (36% and41%), and less than adequate relieffrom fatigue (34% and 32%)

• All of the respondents would beinterested in new RA treatments thatease pain more completely or providelonger periods of relief from pain

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