

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Rx Price Disclosure "Model Law" Draws Pharmacy's Fire


Community pharmacies across thecountry would be required to compileand constantly update a retail price listfor the 150 most frequently prescribeddrugs, under a proposed "model law"being considered by the National Conferenceof Insurance Legislators.

The plan calls for requiring pharmaciesto post signs at prescription countersadvising consumers of the availabilityof the list, and to provide theseprice sheets to patients upon request.The in-store signs would further berequired to inform consumers that"prices for medications may varybetween pharmacies."

Pharmacies would be allowed tochange retail Rx prices "at any time,"as long as the mandatory price list isupdated at least weekly to reflect thenew prices.

The plan for such a model law isdrawing an icy reception from independentpharmacy owners who havewarned that if the measure isapproved by the Conference, the legislationwill be introduced "in manystate legislatures."

According to the National CommunityPharmacists Association, suchprice disclosure requirements would beirrelevant for consumers with prescriptioninsurance coverage and wouldimpose an "excessive burden on smallbusiness pharmacies."

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