

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Report Calls for Restructuring of Health Care

The International Longevity Center-USA's Health Care Task Force hasreleased "Redesigning Health Care foran Older America: Seven Guiding Principles"policy report. The InternationalLongevity Center-USA assembledthe task force. As a task force, its directiveis to develop an intergenerationallifespan perspective of disease preventionand health maintenance built ona strong foundation of reform. Theirmain goal is to counter the myth thatlongevity is the culprit for the risingcosts of medical care.

The 7 guiding principles includeuniversal health insurance, improvedtraining in geriatric medicine, increasedinvestments in aging research, and clinicalautonomy within evidence-basedmedicine is crucial to the best of care."As people live longer, they will have towork longer. Greater stress must beplaced on providing for a well-educated,healthy, vigorous populationthroughout life including in the seventhand eighth decades," said taskforce member Michael Gusmano, PhD.The report can be accessed

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