

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

NAPB Launches Accreditation and Inspection Program

The National Association of Boardsof Pharmacy's (NAPB) Verified AccreditedWholesale Distributors (VAWD)program is underway. The VAWD programwill accredit wholesale distributorswhose policies and operationsmeet the VAWD criteria and complywith state and federal laws. Applicantsfor VAWD accreditation will gothrough a criteria compliance review,licensure verification process, aninspection, and screening throughNAPB's clearinghouse.

In an effort to provide educationalprogramming and consulting to pharmaceuticaldistributors, the NABP hasrecognized Health Pathways IntegritySolutions Division as supply chaineducator. The pharmaceutical distributionindustry has undergone majorconsolidation in recent years. As aresult, new distributors focused onniche needs have grown.

The increase has caused a proliferationof wholesale licenses. The validationof these new distributors has beenleft to the states through licensing. Theexpansion of distributors may be fuelingdiversion and has increased thechance for counterfeit products in themarketplace. Therefore, states boardsof pharmacy are increasing efforts toregulate distributors more tightly.

"NABP recognizes that a criticalcomponent of the VAWD program isan effective educational program forthe personnel of wholesale distributorsand is appreciative of Health Pathways'foresight in developing such aprogram to respond to a market need,"said Carmen Catizone, NABP's executivedirector.

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