Campaign Focuses on Rx Drugs and Pharmacists

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

The Sarasota Group, a consortiumof national community pharmacyorganizations and pharmaceuticalmanufacturers, is educating consumersabout the value of prescriptiondrugs and the role the communitypharmacist plays in health care. The"Community Pharmacy Value Campaign"began in November 2004 andwill continue for 6 months.

A total of 80 pharmacies in 4 citieswill reach out to patients to explainthe value of prescription medicinesand how the community pharmacisthelps patients maximize the benefitsof those medicines. At the end of thepilot program, a survey will be conductedto evaluate the pilot's impactand to help determine the value ofexpanding the program.

As part of the campaign, patientswill receive a consumer brochure andbag stuffers, in both English and Spanish.The handouts focus on the rolesthe community pharmacist and prescriptionmedications play in helpingindividuals live longer, healthier lives.The materials stress the importance ofmedication management and that thecorrect use of medicines not onlyimproves overall health and well-being,but also helps patients avoidthe need for more costly and complicatedtreatments.

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