MTMS Is Available Through Pharmacists

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Community Care Rx and OutcomesPharmaceutical Health Care haveagreed to provide Medication TherapyManagement Services (MTMS) throughparticipating pharmacists. CommunityCare Rx is the first Medicare-approveddrug discount card to bring a programof this nature to the market. The managementservices use pharmacistsand/or health care professionals toproactively manage the cost and effectivenessof pharmaceuticals. The serviceswere publicized by the 2003 MedicareModernization Act and are mandatedto begin by 2006.

As part of the program, covered seniorswill access to specialty trained"Outcomes Personal Pharmacists" intheir area and these professionals willhelp them identify the least expensiveand most clinically appropriate medicationsto treat their specific conditions.The new partnership will improve communicationbetween Community CareRx beneficiaries and their pharmacists.It will also provide the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services ademonstration of an MTMS best practicemodel for the 2006 Medicare PartD benefit. For more information,

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