

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Mallinckrodt Plans New Research Facility

Mallinckrodt's expansion and relocationof its pharmaceutical researchand development laboratory operationsare under way. The 65,000-sq-ftfacility, located on Marshall Road inWebster Groves, St. Louis, Mo, is slatedfor completion in the spring of 2005.The renovation will allow for a significantincrease in Mallinckrodt's pharmaceuticalresearch capabilities in St.Louis. It also represents the health carecompany's commitment to ongoingdevelopment of innovative genericdrug products for human use.

A large segment of the research scientistscurrently working at Mallinckrodt'sSt. Louis production plant willrelocate to the new facility upon itscompletion. Furthermore, the companyanticipates adding 20 to 25 researchersover the next year. When upand running, the facility will houseabout 100 individuals. The existing St.Louis research facilities will be redesignedto meet the expanding needsof the company's chemical business.

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