Hartig Drug Celebrates Century of Service

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Hartig USA Drug is celebrating its100th anniversary as a "corner drugstore."Founded in 1904 in Dubuque,Iowa, by A.J. Hartig, the company isthe second oldest family-owned chainin the country. "People still want andneed a corner drugstore," said DickHartig, RPh, MBA, owner and chiefexecutive officer of Hartig Drug.

Hartig describes his employees as"family." Several of the employeeshave been with the company for morethan 40 years. Hartig attributes "flexibility,responsiveness, a focus on theconsumer, and more personalizedattention" as reasons for Hartig'slongevity. Throughout its 100 years ofservice, Hartig has focused on its customers.The company continues itsdirect line of communication with itscustomers using its "If you talk, we'lllisten" program. Hartig Drug's presidentpersonally reviews all customercomments.

Pharmacy technology has alsoallowed Hartig Drug to put the customerfirst. "We've embraced technologyin every way, shape, and form wecan afford," said Hartig. "It has to dowith quality of life issues for the pharmacist,pharmacy technician, and thepatient. The pharmacists are happierin their practice and not bogged downin the mundane aspects of the job.We've put the pharmacist in front ofthe people."

Hartig Drug wants to provide customerswith a hometown-pharmacyfeel, and that is why Hartig strives toturn customers into friends and returncustomers. Hartig Drug has 15 storeslocated in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois,including traditional drugstoresand a long-term care pharmacy.

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