

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pamphlet Gives Tips on OTC Medicines

In an effort to help parents and caregiversadminister OTC medications forthe cold and flu season, the ConsumerHealthcare Products Association andthe FDA's Center for Drug Evaluationand Research have rereleased KidsAren't Just Small Adults. The pamphletoffers 10 tips on how to give OTC medicinessafely to children. The pamphletis also available in Spanish.

Recommendations in the pamphletinclude reading and following theOTC Drug Facts label, which has allthe necessary information to safelygive a medicine to a child; using theappropriate dosing or measuring tool;and becoming familiar with activeingredients.

"It's so important for parents tounderstand that OTC medications arereal medicines that must be takenwith care," said Linda A. Suydam,DPA. For more information,

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