

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Plan Under Way for Flu Vaccine Distribution

The Centers for Disease Controland Prevention and Aventis haveagreed on a plan to distribute theremaining supply of flu shots. Aventisis supplying 55.4 million doses thisyear. The goal is to target the vaccineon hand to individuals who will benefitthe most, and to "do it in a waythat's fair and equitable to the greatestnumber of people across the country,"said Julie Gerberding, MD, director ofthe disease centers, as reported in theNew York Times, October 13, 2004.

All but 22.4 million of Aventis' supplyhas been distributed. Both the centersand Aventis have agreed on whereto send 14 million of those doses. Thedistribution of the remaining supplywould be determined later on basedon need, according to Dr. Gerberding.Top on the list for the 14 million doseswill be places that take care of theelderly and young children, as well asthe military.

The shortfall of the vaccine is theresult of the British government suspendingthe manufacturing license atthe Chiron Corp factory in Liverpool.Chiron had intended to supply 46 millionto 48 million doses of the vaccinethis year.

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