

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Pharmacy Education Program on Nail Fungus Is Available

Pharmacists wanting more informationon the management of podiatricconditions can participate in a newcontinuing pharmacy education(CPE)-certified program. The CPE program,which features an expert panelof podiatric and dermatologic clinicians,will focus on the clinical challengesand evidence-based perspectivesassociated with onychomycosis diagnosis,treatment, and prevention.

"The availability of this new programon-line, in print, and on CDROMallows participants to choose theformat that best matches their learningneeds," said Patrick Dwyer, director ofcontinuing education at the Universityof Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey(UMDNJ)?Center for Continuingand Outreach Education.

Program participants will learn todescribe the epidemiologic aspects andpsychosocial impact of onychomycosis,as well as the appropriate diagnostic,treatment, and preventive strategiesfor optimizing health outcomesand improving patients' quality of life.Also, the program will highlight waysto recognize the consequences of onychomycosisand the rationale for preventiontherapy in susceptible patients.

The CPE program is jointly sponsoredby the UMDNJ?Robert WoodJohnson Medical School, Departmentof Medicine; the UMDNJ?Center forContinuing and Outreach Education;and the Medical Crossfire/LibertyCommunications Network throughan unrestricted educational grantfrom Dermik Laboratories. The programcan be obtained on-line or by calling877-637-3379 for a CD-ROM or ahard copy.

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