

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Alternative OA Treatment Produces Improvement

Researchers have found that addingmenthol to a topical cream of blendedcetylated fatty acids eases the pain andimproves movement in osteoarthritis (OA)patients. The study, presented April 19,2004, at the Experimental Biology 2004meeting, included 10 people with kneeOA, 10 with wrist OA, and 8 with elbowOA. The participants applied the menthol/cetylated fatty acid cream to theaffected area 2 times a day for a week.

After 1 week, the participants wereexamined for pain, stiffness, range ofmotion, balance, and movement.

Generally, OA is treated with pain-reducingmedications, nonsteroidal antiinflammatorydrugs, and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. The researchers concludedthat adding menthol to topicalcreams with cetylated fatty acids providespain relief.

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