Call for Papers

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Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Oncology™ (PPFO) is seeking submissions for peer review in 2024. PPFO’s editorial coverage includes papers focused on the oncology pharmacy field and the work and practice of oncology pharmacy professionals. Specifically, we are interested in papers that elevate the conversation around key insights from the oncology pharmacy field, assess data from the literature to support efficient and effective treatment decisions, and translate clinical practice insights to improve health outcomes and accelerate the implementation of proven innovations and technologies.

PPFO will be publishing original research, literature reviews, case reports, case descriptions, and other informed commentary on a wide range of topics:

  • Advancements in immunotherapy: Immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitors and CAR T-cell therapy, have been rapidly evolving and are a key area in the evolving landscape of oncology treatment. Researchers continue exploring novel combinations, identifying predictive biomarkers, and optimizing treatment strategies.
  • Precision medicine: Oncology pharmacists work closely with oncologists to ensure that patients receive personalized treatments based on their genetic and molecular profiles. This area is evolving as new targeted therapies and biomarkers emerge.
  • Targeted therapies: Researchers are increasingly focused on identifying genetic and molecular biomarkers to match patients with targeted therapies. This personalized approach aims to improve treatment efficacy and reduce adverse effects (AEs).
  • Biomarker development: Research is ongoing to discover and validate new biomarkers for early cancer detection, patient stratification, and treatment response predictions. This includes genomics, proteomics, and liquid biopsy technologies.
  • Biosimilars in oncology: As more biosimilars become available, discussions continue around their safety, efficacy, interchangeability with reference biologics, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Combination therapies: Investigating the efficacy of combining different treatment modalities, such as chemotherapy with immunotherapy or targeted therapies, is a key area of interest.
  • Oral chemotherapy management: With the increasing availability of oral chemotherapy drugs, discussions continue around adherence, monitoring, and the unique challenges oral chemotherapy drugs pose compared with intravenous treatments.
  • Oncology drug shortages: Addressing the challenges of drug shortages is a persistent concern in oncology pharmacy. Oncology pharmacy professionals work to ensure continuity of care for patients despite these shortages. Sharing innovative solutions to these shortages is a key area for discussion.
  • Palliative care and symptom management: Oncology pharmacists help patients manage cancer-related symptoms and improve their quality of life. This includes discussions on pain, nausea, and other AEs.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data: The use of AI and machine learning in clinical trial design, patient selection, and data analysis is a growing trend, enabling more efficient and precise clinical trials. Additionally, using AI in the oncology pharmacy practice setting is an opportunity for innovation.
  • Oncology pharmacy education and training: Programs to educate and train oncology pharmacists are continuously evolving to keep up with new developments in the field.
  • Quality improvement and patient safety: Oncology pharmacy professionals focus on improving the safety and quality of oncology pharmacy practice, including reducing medication errors and optimizing medication management.
  • Health care policy and reimbursement: Policy changes and solutions for addressing reimbursement challenges remain ongoing areas of importance.

Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Health Systems™ (PPHS) is also seeking submissions for peer review in 2024. PPHS’s editorial coverage includes papers focused on the health system pharmacy field and the work and practice of health system pharmacy professionals. Specifically, we are interested in papers that elevate the conversation around key insights from the health system pharmacy field, assess data from the literature to support efficient and effective treatment decisions, and translate clinical practice insights to improve health outcomes and accelerate the implementation of proven innovations and technologies.

PPHS will be publishing original research, literature reviews, case reports, case descriptions, and other informed commentary on a wide range of topics:

  • Qualitative and/or quantitative impact of pharmacist-led initiatives
  • Clinical pharmacy services and patient outcomes
  • Patient cases exemplifying pharmacist’s value on the patient care team
  • Case reports of novel or rare drug-related events of interest to health-system pharmacy professionals
  • Drug dosing and protocols relevant to health-system pharmacy
  • Transitions of care implementation
  • Pharmacy automation and technology integration
  • Medication safety and quality improvement
  • Hazardous compounding practices and safety protocols
  • Antimicrobial stewardship
  • Health informatics and data analytics
  • Telepharmacy implementation and patient outcomes
  • Value-based care practices

Please visit the Submission of Manuscripts guidelines section at for details on formatting and other requirements. Due to space restrictions, please limit your manuscript as outlined in the Submission of Manuscripts section. The final decision regarding a paper’s acceptance will be made by the editors; each accepted paper will be peer reviewed.

Please submit all manuscripts to Alana Hippensteele, Managing Editor, at