

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

Behaviors Influence Sleep

A study reported in Sleep (May 1,2005) showed that individuals withinsomnia tend to worsen or prolongtheir sleep problem with alcohol, smoking,and sleeping late in the morning.For the study, the researchers conducted3283 phone interviews in the Detroittri-county area. Of the respondents,258 individuals with insomnia werematched by age and sex with 258 normalsleepers.

The compiled data showed that peoplewith insomnia drink alcohol within30 minutes of bedtime more often,compared with the controls, and 29%consume alcohol as a means toachieve sleep. As for the participantswith insomnia who smoke on a regularbasis, 45.3% smoke 5 minutes beforegoing to bed. The study also showedthat the participants with insomniareport "sleeping in"on days they do notwork, with 42.7% following this model.

The researchers noted that the currentstudy does not indicate the extentto which these behaviors factor into primarysleep disturbance, or whetherthey result from attempts to deal with asleep problem. The investigators recommendedfurther research to determinewhether behavioral therapy thatchanges these targeted behaviorsimproves sleep for individuals withinsomnia.

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