Abdominal Fat: Predictor for High Blood Pressure

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

The amount of fat in the abdomen maypoint to a greater risk of developing highblood pressure, according to a study reportedin the Annals of Internal Medicine(June 15, 2004). The focus of the studywas to determine whether abdominal fat,as measured by computed tomographyscans, predicts who is likely to becomehypertensive. The study involved 300 JapaneseAmericans between 34 and 76years of age. The researchers examinedthe relationship between directly measured"visceral adiposity" and the risk ofdeveloping hypertension.

The results showed higher amountsof fat in the abdominal area, greaterbody mass index, and larger waist circumferencewere all connected with agreater rate of high blood pressure. Aftertaking into consideration the risk factorsfor high blood pressure, the researchersconcluded that only the extent of fat inthe abdomen remained a predictor ofhypertension.

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