Symposium Focuses on Adequate Sleep

Pharmacy Times
Volume 0

A recent 2-day sleep conference, sponsored by the National Center on Sleep DisordersResearch (NCSDR), looked at ways to foster changes in attitudes and behavior in physiciansand the general public about the need for adequate sleep. The NCSDR's goals are toincrease recognition and treatment of sleep disorders, cut health care costs arising fromuntreated sleep disorders, and improve public health and quality of life, according to an articlepublished in the Journal of the American Medical Association (May 26, 2004). Sleepexperts suggested the following strategies:

  • Doctors should ask all patients, "Are you satisfied with your sleep?"
  • All health care providers should include sleep education in their practices
  • Drowsy-driving prevention should be targeted at at-risk groups
  • Sleep groups should partner with disease-focused organizations to communicate state-of-the-art sleep knowledge

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