Kimball Genetics Inchas launched a warfarinsensitivity DNAtest for research and investigationalpurposes.The test determinesthe presence of specificvariations in theCYP2C9 and VKORC1genes that confer sensitivityto warfarin. TheDNA test identifiespatients who are sensitiveto warfarin and,therefore, require a lower dose toachieve their target levels and may be atincreased risk for bleeding complications.
The FDA Clinical Pharmacology Subcommitteeof the Advisory Committeefor Pharmaceutical Sciences has recommendedtesting for genetic variationsin patients requiring warfarintherapy. This recommendation is likelyto be reflected on the drug's labelsoon. The company expects the DNAtest to be available for routine clinicaluse sometime this year.
Dr. Garrett is a clinical pharmacistpractitioner at Cornerstone HealthCare in High Point, NC.