Bloodstain Helps Identify Pharmacy Robber Years Later


More than 2 years after a pharmacy in Sacramento, California, was robbed, a DNA match to the bloodstain left at the scene of the crime has led to an arrest.

More than 2 years after a pharmacy in Sacramento, California, was robbed, a DNA match to the bloodstain left at the scene of the crime has led to an arrest.

In the early morning hours of December 20, 2012, 3 men in hoodies approached Valley Pharmacy, Fox40 originally reported. A surveillance video of the incident shows the pharmacy’s thick glass window being smashed and a man squeezing through the hole with some difficulty. He then runs through the pharmacy to grab cough syrup, which he passes through the window, and the 3 men run away from the pharmacy in the last scenes of the footage.

Pharmacy owner Leonard Marr told Fox40 that he had just stocked up on cough syrup and had more than 3 times the amount that he usually stocked.

When police arrived, they found broken cough syrup bottles near the window and purple liquid rolling down the pavement. More importantly, they discovered that the robber who entered the pharmacy had left a blood stain on the shelf where the cough syrup was kept.

More than 2 years later, Marr told Fox40 on March 5, 2015, that the police had contacted him recently and said they had finally been able to obtain a DNA match to the blood left at the crime scene, and the suspect was arrested.

“I guess this ‘CSI’ stuff works in real life,” Marr told FOX40.

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