Empowering Pharmacy: Addressing Biases and Enhancing Opioid Stewardship


Stephanie Abel, PharmD, BCPS, and Megan Mitchell, PharmD, MS, discuss pharmacist roles in combating biases, fostering collaboration with prescribers, and implementing strategies for effective opioid stewardship.

This is a video synopsis/summary of a Practice Pearls featuring Ryan Haumschild, PharmD, MS, MBA, CPEL; Megan Mitchell, PharmD, MS; Stephanie Abel, PharmD, BCPS; and Jennifer Grate, CPhT.

In discussing the crucial role of pharmacists in addressing biases and enhancing opioid management, Abel emphasizes the need for modeling preferred language and regular self-evaluation of biases. Encouraging colleagues to adopt new language and initiating conversations about stigmatizing terms is essential. Mitchell underscores the importance of pharmacists proactively addressing prescription concerns by contacting prescribers and expressing worries or suggesting alternatives, avoiding undue burden on patients. Haumschild acknowledges the significance of seeking understanding before making judgments and stresses the role of collaborative communication in dispelling concerns. Shifting the focus to strategies for opioid stewardship and patient safety, Abel suggests securing leadership commitment, considering human factors, and providing education to combat stigma and misunderstandings. Systemwide changes, best practices implementation, and leveraging electronic health records are vital, while aligning with the 5 rights of clinical decision support ensures successful integration into clinical workflows. Incorporating data analytics and technology aids in monitoring issues and opportunities, contributing to comprehensive opioid stewardship efforts.

This summary was AI-generated and reviewed by Pharmacy Times® editorial staff.

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