Pharmacy Hero: Pharmacist Checks in on COVID-19 Positive Patients, Reassures, Educates Others


Today’s pharmacy hero is Michael Escudero, PharmD, who works at a Publix Pharmacy in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

Today’s pharmacy hero is Michael Escudero, PharmD, who works at a Publix Pharmacy in Pembroke Pines, Florida. According to Escudero’s wife, Raquel, he is loved by many of his customers, who have even followed him when he changed stores.

During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Escudero has been providing guidance and reassurance to his many patients, educating them on the virus and how to stay safe. Many of his patients have also tested positive for the virus, so when their family members come to the store, Escudero always makes sure to check in and see how they’re doing.

“[He’s] reminding them they aren’t alone,” Raquel said in a message to Pharmacy Times®. “He’s the calm in the storm!”

Pharmacy Times® wants to celebrate the amazing pharmacy staff members who are on the front lines every day. Nominate someone in your pharmacy by emailing with their name, position, and why they’re a hero!

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